The Equipment feature can be switched on from the 'Features' tab in the Preferences page. This feature is to allow you to have a list of specialist equipment (testing devices, ladders, larger machinery etc.) that can store generic information about them.

Once the Equipment feature is enabled, click on the Equipment tile:


Click the '+Add Category' to add the categories you would like to use to organise your Equipment by.

Click the '+Add Equipment' to add the various items of Equipment you require.

Once the Equipment has been added, you will have the option to check out the Equipment to one of your Mobile Users:

The 'Check Out Equipment' button is located at the bottom right:

Select the Mobile User and select the Check Out Date.

To manage the Checked Out Equipment, you can visit the 'Users' page.

Highlight the User and click the Manage Equipment button:

To learn how to batch import Equipment, please see the Data Import guide here: Importing Data