In the WorkPal Portal at the top right corner of the screen select the WP logo.



A dropdown menu will appear. Select DATA IMPORT.



If you need to download an import template, select from the Download Import Template menu.



Select the Template you require to start the download.


If you need help populating the Template with your own data, please see our guide on this process: Preparing your Data for Import.


When you have added your import data to the Template, select the Browse button.

Locate the template file.


You will see a menu item called 'Update/Create'. By default, it will create records that are new, and update existing records it finds, but you can change this to:

Create New Records Only - if you don't want it to update existing records, choose this to just add new records

Update Existing Records Only - if you only want updates applied, choose this option.



When the file is uploaded, you will be presented with a preview of what records have been read and a description of what will happen when you click "Import Data"

'The following New Clients/Sites/etc. will be added' - if it doesn't find matching records for the data type you are importing on the system, it will add these.

'The following Existing Clients/Sites/etc. will be updated' - if it finds matching records, it will update them. It will highlight the fields that are changing in the table, so you can check if this is right or not.


If there are any records it can't import, it will show them in another table, explaining what is wrong, and you can then save a separate spreadsheet file containing only the failing records, in order for you to fix them. This could be missing required data, or data in the wrong format.

Once you are happy that the import is going to occur as you want it, based on the previewed data, click the 'Import Data' button on the top right to begin the process. The page will show you its progress and let you know when it is complete.