Reports are used in WorkPal to export large amounts of data from the system. A number of standard Reports may be present on your system by default depending on your business needs:


Standard Reports


Absence Report

Exports a list of all logged User Absences between two dates.


  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Absence Type
  • Absence Note
  • Approved
  • Employee Name
  • Logged By


Consolidated Invoice Report

Exports a list of breakdowns for each Invoice between two dates. Can also be filtered by Client and Job Type.


  • Invoice No
  • Client Name
  • Client PO
  • Issue Date
  • Site
  • Job No
  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Job Type
  • Net Cost
  • VAT Amount
  • Total Cost
  • Net Total
  • VAT Total

This report also contains a VAT Summary which shows Percentage, Net Cost and VAT.


Consolidated Purchase Order Report

Exports a list of Purchase Orders between two dates. Can also be filtered by Client and Site.


  • Purchase Order No
  • Job No
  • Job Title
  • Client Name
  • Delivery Address
  • Supplier Name
  • Purchase Order Total
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Raised For (User)
  • Created By (User)
  • Status
  • Notes


Expense Report

Exports a list of Expenses logged by Users between two dates. Can also be filtered by User. Expenses are logged when Users complete an "Expense Form". For a full explanation of this Report, see our full guide on the Expense Report


  • User Name
  • Expense Description
  • Project
  • Date
  • Category
  • Merchant Name
  • Reimbursable
  • Amount
  • Total Expenses Amount
  • Non Reimbursable Amount
  • Total Reimbursable Amount


Job Time Report

Exports a list of Jobs with their respective Job Times between two dates. Can also be filtered by User.


  • User Name
  • Customer Reference
  • Job No
  • Job Title
  • Site Name
  • Travel Start Time
  • Travel Stop Time
  • Travel Time
  • Job Start Time
  • Job Stop Time
  • Job Time


Parts Replenish Report

Exports a list of Parts that have been used between two dates. Can also be filtered by User.


  • Part Name
  • Part Code
  • Part Price
  • Part Quantity
  • Reference No
  • Client Name
  • User Who Used the Part
  • Date Used


Parts Report

Exports a list of Parts that have been used between two dates with the Job they were used on. Can also be filtered by Part Status.


  • Client Name
  • Site Name
  • Job Reference
  • Job Title
  • RCD
  • Part Description
  • Part Code
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Unit of Measurement
  • Status


Revenue & Costs Report

Exports a list of Tasks on Jobs with their associated costs. Can be filtered by Client or Job Type.


  • Job No
  • Client Reference
  • Client Name
  • Site Name
  • Postcode
  • Job Title
  • Job Type
  • Date Started
  • Date Finished
  • Item No (Tasks FE Code)
  • Item Description
  • Unit of Measurement
  • Quantity
  • Cost
  • Price
  • Total Cost
  • Total Price
  • Job Cost
  • Job Price
  • Invoice No
  • All Job Cost Total
  • All Job Price Total


Shift Report

Exports a list of Users Shifts between two dates. Can be filtered by User. Shifts are separated into days.


  • Shift Start
  • First Job Start
  • Total Job Hours
  • Total Travel Hours
  • Jobs (quantity)
  • Last Job End
  • Shift End
  • Total Shift Hours

The Shift Report also contains a Period Summary and Absences. The Period Summary includes:

  • User Name
  • Job Hours
  • Travel Hours
  • Shift Hours
  • Jobs (quantity)

The Absences section contains the same information available in the Absence Report.


Site Report

Exports a list of all Sites.


  • Client Group
  • Client Name
  • Site Name
  • Site Address
  • Site Postcode
  • Site Telephone Number
  • Site Contact Name
  • Site Email Address
  • Site Latitude
  • Site Longitude


SLA Report

Exports a list of Jobs between two dates for the purposes of checking if the Job was completed before the RCD. Jobs completed before the RCD are marked as "Passed". Can be filtered by Client Group, Client and Site.


  • Job No
  • Client Group
  • Client Name
  • Site Name
  • RCD
  • Completion Date
  • Passed or Failed
  • Total Passed Jobs
  • Total Failed Jobs


User Event Log

Exports a list of actions taken by a particular User between two dates. This includes Starting and Ending Shifts as well as Travel and Job Time on Jobs.


  • Event/Job No
  • Event Date/Job Title
  • Site Name
  • Start Time
  • Stop Time
  • Travel Time
  • Job Time
  • Shift Time
  • Total Travel Time
  • Total Job Time
  • Total Shift Time


Vehicle Report

Exports a list of all Vehicles in your Fleet with associated information. As well as the columns listed below, this Report also has a column for each Note Type on your system as Notes can be added to Vehicles.


  • Registration
  • Model
  • Make
  • VIN Number
  • MOT Due Date
  • Tax Due Date
  • Last Service Date
  • Next Service Date


WIP Report

Exports a list of incomplete Jobs with associated Parts before a chosen End Date. Can also be filtered by Client and Job Type.


  • Job No
  • Client Reference
  • Client Name
  • Site Name
  • Postcode
  • Job Title
  • Job Type
  • Date Started
  • Date Finished
  • Item No (Part Code)
  • Item Description
  • Unit of Measurement
  • Quantity
  • Cost
  • Price
  • Total Cost
  • Total Price
  • Job Cost
  • Job Price
  • Total Job Cost
  • Total Job Price



Report Filtering

Once exported from WorkPal, Reports can be further refined in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. For more information on this, please see our Guide on Filtering Reports.


List Export

If you would like to create and download a list of all Jobs, Forms, etc, this can be achieved by Exporting. See our Guide on Exporting for more on this topic.


Custom Reports

For any additional needs, Custom Reports can be built by our development team on request. This service is chargeable as it requires development time to build, test, review and deploy Custom Reports. If you would like to request a Report, please contact with your requirements. If you could also like to provide a mock-up of the Report you require, this will greatly help our development team in catering to your needs.