There are a number of reasons why a Job may not sync with a mobile device. Here are some troubleshooting steps:

  • Does the job have a Required Completion Date (RCD)? Jobs created without an RCD are "Provisional jobs" which do not sync to a User's device.


  • Check if the RCD is outside of your 'sync period'. If you specified that a user only gets the jobs due in the next 30 days, for example, and the RCD of the Job is further away than that, it will not sync to the device. A job which is outside the sync period will have a grey RCD on the Desktop Job list. You can change this sync period in the Preferences Menu under the “Mobile Settings” section. The sync period option is labelled as “Days of Jobs on Device”. By default, this setting is set to 30 days.


  • Check if the device has a data connection, and when the phone last synced on the main menu page of the app. The user may have no signal.


  • Ensure the device is not on Low Power or Energy saving mode as this disables background services to save battery. This can slow down or interrupt the Syncing process.


If you have checked all of the above, Mobile Users can attempt to force the Syncer to retrieve the missing information by holding down the orange "WP" logo at the top right of their app and selecting "Manual Sync" on iOS or "Sync" on Android. For more on this process, visit our help page on "The Syncer".


The "WP" menu on iOS


The "WP" menu on Android


If you tried these troubleshooting steps and are still having issues, please contact support on