The RCD (Required Completion Date) is the most important date when creating a Job. The Job will be assigned out to the Users based on the length of time, set in your preferences, from the RCD. The mobile app will also sort the Users jobs based on the RCD set when creating a Job.

There may be some confusion around the difference between the Schedule Start Date and Schedule End Date. These dates are used solely for the Scheduling page to give you an idea for when the job is to be started and finished. Even with Scheduling dates set, the RCD will still need to be added as it dictates when a job is assigned out.

WorkPal is configured to have 30 “Days of Jobs on Device” by default. This option can be changed in the Preferences Menu under the General Settings tab. With this default configuration, Jobs will appear on mobile User’s devices 30 days before the Job’s RCD. Jobs will remain on the device if Job is not completed, even if the current date surpasses the RCD.

The RCD can also be quickly set with Priority Codes. For Example, a Priority Code may have its “Complete within” set to 10 days. Selecting this Priority Code on a Job will set the RCD for this Job to 10 days later than the current date. Priority Codes can be configured in the Preferences Menu, under the Priority Codes tab.


On the Job List, the colour of the RCD will indicate its status:

  • Grey – Date lies outside of "Days of Jobs on Device" range
  • White - Date lies inside of "Days of Jobs on Device" range
  • Orange – Overdue, not completed before the RCD