Please start by logging out of the Sage Website.

Next, in WorkPal, click on the WP logo button at the top right. Select Preferences, select the Quotes/Invoices tab.

Click the 'Connect To Sage' button and sign into your Sage account:

Your Sage VAT rates can then be imported to WorkPal by click the Get VAT Rates button:

Select your default VAT rate. The default VAT rate will be used for new Clients added to WorkPal. However, you can still edit the Client’s VAT rate to select another one. Click on the Update button to save the changes.

Your Invoices will now have the option to Export to Sage Business Cloud.


Problems Exporting After Connecting?

Make sure you have set up your Sage Account for Tax correctly. Currently you'll get a ‘required field’ error, this is because we’re exporting tax amounts but the you haven't yet set up tax properly in your SAGE account in: Settings -> Accounting & Tax Rates.