Your business may undertake Jobs which require the same routine of the Engineer while on Site. In this case, you may like to have a set list of Tasks you would like to Quote for before undertaking the Job. For this purpose, we recommend setting up a "Template".


Initial Set Up

Initially, you will need to create a "dummy" Client GroupClient and Site. This is due to a limitation of WorkPal which means all Quotes must be assigned a Client GroupClient and Site. To do this, navigate to the Clients section of WorkPal on Desktop and select "Add Group":

Note that "Use these details to add Default Site" has been checked. This will create a Site for the "dummy" Client automatically without you needing to do so.




Creating the Template

You can now create a new Quote and assign it to the previously created dummy Client GroupClient and Site, adding the necessary information and line items to the Template before saving:




Creating a Quote from the Template

When you need to create a new Quote using the Template, search for "template" in the search box at the top right of WorkPal on Desktop:


Open this Quote and select the "Duplicate Quote" button at the bottom of the screen:


Here you can assign the new Quote to the correct Client, make any changes necessary before clicking "Save":


The new Quote is now created, assigned to the correct Client and has all line items carried over from the Template: