
Labour Rounding - Set how Labour Time is rounded to the nearest hour.

Visit Charge Length (Mins) - Set the default Visit Charge Length that gets added to Quotes automatically.

Invoice Term (Days)

Quote Note Default Text - The default text added to the the Quote Note automatically.

Price Breakdown on Quotes - Set whether or not individual prices are shown on Quotes. 

Price Breakdown on Invoices - Set whether or not individual prices are shown on Invoices. 

Allow Signoff/Approval of a Quote via a link in the Quote Email - Enabling this allows the customer to "Sign-off" or approve Quotes through a link in the Quote Email. Approved Quotes will show a "tick" in the "Signed" column on the Quotes list. For more information this topic, please see our guide on Quote/Invoice Signoffs.

Toggle "Create Invoice on Job Complete" Checkbox - Enable or disable a checkbox on each Job which creates an Invoice automatically when the Job has been completed.

Quote On Mobile - Allows Mobile Users to create Quotes (Only available on Android devices)

Include incomplete Tasks on Invoice - Choose whether incomplete Tasks are included on the Invoice.


Quotes and Invoice Filename

Different labels can be dragged and dropped to build up a Filename for both Quotes and Invoices. This will appear when the Quote or Invoice is exported as a PDF.


Quotes and Invoices Status

A Status is used as a manual update on the status of a Quote or Invoice. This may be a way of showing the progress of the Quote or Invoice, but again it is something that is manually selected through a dropdown option. Here you can create different statuses for both Quotes and Invoices. You can also set a specific Status to be the default.



This section allows you to connect to an external accounting package. The packages we currently support are: Sage, Sage Business Cloud (Sage Online), Quickbooks and Xero. For further information on these topics, click each package to see our guide on integrating.


Default Values

Default Visit Charge - The default charge used for visits if the Client does not have a visit charge listed against their account on their Clients page.

Default Hourly Rate - The default rate used if the assigned User does not have an hourly rate listed against their name on the Users page.

Travel Time - The rate charged for Travel Time (per hour)

Default Minimum Charge - The default charge used for visits if the Client does not have a minimum charge listed against their account on their Clients page.


VAT Rates

Here you can see the VAT rates active on your WorkPal system. These can be added and edited manually, or imported from your Accounting package using the "Get VAT Rates" button. For each VAT Rate, you have the option of adding a description and setting the VAT Rate as the default.



These spaces allow you to design footers which will appear at the bottom of Quotes and Invoices.