Notes that you add to Jobs can be of different types to better inform the reader of its purpose.

Settings for Note Types can be found in the Preferences Menu.


Note Type Preferences

To open the Preferences Menu, Select the orange "WP" logo at the top right of WorkPal and select "Preferences" from the list.

To Add / Edit or Delete Note Types, Select the Note Types tab in the Preferences Menu.



Adding a new Note Type

To Add a new Note Type, click the "Add" button at the top right of the page.


The Add Note Type dialog shows many options for the new Note Type including the type of data that is expected. 

A Note Type can be of type:

  • Text
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date & Time
  • Dropdown
  • Number
  • Auto-Complete
  • Drawing
  • Signature

A pre-populated list of text notes can be set to allow the User to add this Note quickly. Select "Customise Options" when the Dropdown or Autocomplete type is selected to set the possible options.


The Add Note Type dialog also contains options for "Available On". This list dictates what Features the Note can be attached to. Groups can be added or removed in the "Visible To" list to control who can view this Note Type. The "Display On" list dictates where the Note will appear in relation to the Feature it is attached to.

Ensure to click the "Update" button at the top right of the Preferences page after making any changes to Note Types.


Now this Note Type can be added to any Feature that is on its "Available To" list.

A Dropdown Note:

An Autocomplete Note:

How the Note appears when attached:


Add To Jobs List

The "Add to Jobs List" option for Note Types allows you to use this Note Type as a column filter in the Jobs List.

Only one Note Type can be added to the Job List. Adding a Note Type to the Jobs List will remove the previously assigned Note Type if applicable.

See below where the Site Warning Condition has been added to the Jobs List.