Job Sheets in WorkPal are a summary of a Job. They can include Job information such as Assets, Assignees, Images, Notes, Parts, Signatures, Tasks, Job Times, Job Type and Job Status.

Unlike Invoices which can only be created from completed Jobs, Job Sheets can be viewed at any time and are populated using the information currently available on its respective Job. To view the Job Sheet, simply select the button shown below on its respective Job page.

From here, you have the option to view, print, email or download a PDF copy of the Job Sheet. Please note that downloaded PDF Job Sheets will not update as information is added to the Job, as this file is now a completed document stored on your computer.


Editing the Job Sheet

To edit which information is available on the Job Sheet, access the Preferences Menu by clicking the "WP" logo button at the top right of WorkPal on Desktop then choose the "General Settings" tab.


On the "General Settings" tab there is a multi-select box named "Display On Job Sheet" which allows multiple options to be added or removed from the list. By clicking at the end of the list, you will be presented with a list of options available that can be added. If adding or removing Items from the Job Sheet, you should ensure you have clicked the "Update" button when you are done to save your changes.