Your Users have reported that they are unable to see past information from a previous Job on their latest Job for the same Site. There are a few things to know about WorkPal on why this is the case.

Job information will not automatically be pulled from Job to Job on the same Site, therefore if there is Job specific Forms they won’t show on later Jobs. There are a few ways to organize your Jobs so that past data is available on future Jobs:


1. If you save the information you need against an Asset on the Site, the User will be able to access this when he next visits the Site. This may include Parts, Forms or the Service History. It is best, however, to save data only relating to that asset.

2. The other option is to recur the Job. When using Job recurrence there is an option to recur Forms, Notes, Tasks etc. this may help Engineers see the past work completed on the Site.

3. Similar to recurrence, you can duplicate the completed Job and edit it so that the information is also pulled across.


4. If you would like the User to be able to see previous Job Sheets, these will need to be downloaded on Desktop and attached to the corresponding Site as a Document. Any Job created at that Site will then have access to these.