Assets - Items or Equipment that belongs to your customer. Assets can be added to Sites and will appear on every Job scheduled at that Site.

Clients - Your customers. Each Client can have many Sites.

Contacts - A List of contacts that sync to users devices.

Dashboard - An infographic that displays information from WorkPal in a graphic e.g. a graph.

Desktop User - Someone who has a log-in for WorkPal on PC.

Dialog Box - A window on a Desktop PC. Generally contains extra information or options.

Document - A file containing information. Usually saved in PDF format.

Documents - A section to store company documents and make them visible to mobile users or just desktop only.

Equipment - A Piece of equipment you want to keep track of and be able to check it in and out.

Export - Batching information to a file to be used outside of WorkPal.

FE Codes - These are Fast Entry Codes, which are a list of your tasks for the mobile users to complete.

Features - Different modules of WorkPal.

Field - A box on a webpage that Users can enter information into.

Fleet - A list of all of your fleet vehicles, where you can store tax, mot, service dates etc.

Helpers - A Helper is somebody who does not have a log in for WorkPal, but you want to capture their shift and job time.

Import - Bringing information or data into the WorkPal system.

Invoices - An invoice is a document that maintains a record of a transaction between a buyer and seller, such as a paper receipt from a store.

Job Wizard - A tool that allows a User to create a new Site and Job in one action.

Jobs - Jobs are the main functionality of WorkPal and allow Users to log and process information in relation to real world operations they are conducting.

Labels - The name used to describe a Feature.

Licence - A permit to use the WorkPal system.

Mobile User - Someone who has a log-in for WorkPal on a Mobile device e.g. a phone or tablet.

Outbox - A facility on Mobile Devices for storing WorkPal information when no internet connection is available.

Part Codes - A code you can assign against a part to assign against a quote, job or invoice which will prefill the description, cost and price.

Priority Codes - These are a pre-determined list of SLAs to assign against jobs for completion times.

Provisional - Relates to a Job that has no Scheduled Start or End Date.

Purchase Orders - A purchase order, often abbreviated to PO, is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.

Quotes - A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular job or service.

RCD - Required Completion Date, the date you require the Job to be completed by.

Scheduling - Refers to the Scheduling calendar.

Shift - A period of time between when a User clocks-in and when they clock-out.

Sites - Locations where work is to be completed. Sites are sorted by the Client to which they belong.

Storage - The server space used by Photos and Documents.

Suppliers - A list of all your suppliers for purchase orders, which can be categorised.

Sync - An operation completed by a Mobile device to align information on the device with information with the rest of the system.

Users - A list of your users within WorkPal, for example Mobile/ Desktop.