To diagnose issues with email, Desktop Users have access to the Email Event Log. This can be accessed though the menu at the top right of WorkPal.

The Email Event Log shows all emails sent from the system, their recipients, a message (if one was added), a delivery indictor, a read receipt indicator and also a reason for emails that were not successfully delivered.


Based on the settings you have configured in your Preferences Menu, WorkPal sends out varying amounts of emails when certain actions are completed by its Users. This may be a User completing a Form, completing a Job, sending a Quote etc. Due to the amount of emails that some WorkPal systems may be configured for, some customers mailbox's may receive an excessive amount of emails from WorkPal. In these instances, its common for customer's mailboxes to begin to reject these emails or mark them as spam. If a customer is not receiving emails, you should advise them to check the Spam and Junk folders in their mailbox. If the customer has an IT professional, they should make sure that the WorkPal email (Default: has been added to the whitelist of allowed email addresses.