To access the "Your Details" page, select the orange "WP" logo at the top right of your WorkPal and choose "Preferences".


Select the "Your Details" tab on the ribbon to see all options that can be set for your WorkPal.



Company Name

The full name of your company or business. This is displayed on Invoices, Quotes etc.


Short Name

This is the name displayed at the top left of your WorkPal.


Street Address / City, Postcode / Company Email / Website

Displayed on Quotes, Invoices etc.


Admin Email

Email Address that receives WorkPal system notifications. Multiple email addresses can be entered here. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma and no space.


Vehicle Check Email

Email Address that received failed Vehicle Check notifications.


Email From

Email Address that emails appear to be sent from e.g.


Email From Name

The name on system emails


Completed Forms Email Address

All completed Forms will be sent to this address (not required).


BCC Email

All emails from WorkPal are Bcc'd from to this Address. Multiple email addresses can be entered here. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma and no space.


Default Email Text

The default text entered into emails. This text can be changed in the prompt that appears before sending an email.


Address Lookup

After entering your Address into the appropriate fields, click "Lookup Address" to have the map pinpoint the address. The system will also generate a "what.3.words" and a longitude and latitude for this location.


Upload Logo

Click the "Browse" button to choose an image from your computer to use as a Company Logo. Click "Upload" when you have chosen an image file.