To view the email event log just select the WP logo at the top right corner of the screen.


From the list. Select EMAIL EVENT LOG


At the right hand side of the screen you will see when the email was sent. Then who was it sent to. The subject of the email and the person who sent it.


At the right hand side of the screen you will see the status information. Finally if the email was not able to send you will get some information on why this might have happened.


You may see 9 different status. Below is a quick breakdown of each of them:

Processed – It’s been sent from WorkPal, but it hasn’t received a 'Delivered' response from the receiver's mail server. Sometimes a server will ‘drop’ an email without sending a drop response, to fool spammers.

Dropped - This event informs your system when an email has been dropped. Could be because it has found spam content or the recipient has unsubscribed previously.

Deferred - When an email cannot immediately be delivered, but it hasn’t been completely rejected. Sometimes called a soft bounce. Will continue to deliver the email for the next 72 hours.

Bounce - If a server cannot or will not deliver a message

Delivered - When an email has been accepted at the receiving server

Open - An opened email

Click – Whether it is to confirm a newly registered account or to view a recommended product, asks the recipient to click a link.

Spam Report – When someone reports an email that you sent to them as being spam.

Unsubscribe - When a recipient unsubscribes from your mailings.