On the Main Menu of the Mobile app, a square is displayed at the bottom of the screen to indicate that it is connected to the system. A green square indicates that the app is connected. The Main Menu also has an Outbox counter. This refers to how many pieces of information the device has yet to send or download from the system.

If the app loses connection to the system, all actions performed by the User will be saved in the Outbox on the device. When the connection is restored, the syncer will begin to sync this information and clear the Outbox. When the app is opened on the screen or opened in the background, it will continue to sync this information. When the Outbox counter reads zero, the app is fully up to date and will have all information appear as it does on the Desktop.

It is highly recommended that Mobile Users do NOT force quit the app from their app switching screen while the Outbox is larger than zero as this can cause information to be lost.


Troubleshooting Syncing Issues

Note: Power Saving or Low Power mode will slow down or stop the app from syncing. If the Outbox number does not decrease over time, and you are connected to the internet, this is most likely the issue.

If a Mobile User has been disconnected from the internet, have now reconnected, but the syncer is not clearing the Outbox, Users can hold down the orange "WP" logo at the top right of the app, and choose "Manual Sync". This will attempt to force the syncer to restart.

If the Outbox counter does not decrease over a period of time, this may be due to an erroneous piece of data in the queue. If this is the case, Users can hold down the orange "WP" logo at the top right of the app, and choose "Push Stuck Queue". This will attempt to clear the blockage in the Outbox.

If the Outbox counter on your device does not decrease over the course of several days, please get in touch with our Support Team at support@workpal.app as this may be an indication of a larger underlying problem. Make sure to include the name of the User experiencing the issue as well as any Job/Quote/Invoice numbers that are not appearing as they should.