On a WorkPal Salting install, there are a few additional fields associated with Sites such as:

        • Assign To
               • This is the Mobile user that will receive the Job that will be generated
        • Service Days
               • Determine what days a client would need their Site salted. (Mon-Sun)
        • Area
               • This Area that a Site is located in (Possible to customise list of Areas) - this relates to the
                 weather forecast from the Met Office.
       • Trigger Temp
               • The temperature specified before salting must occur
       • Trigger Colour
               • Red, Amber or Yellow based on how severe the forecast needs to be before the site is
       • Geo-fence Radius
               • Draws a circle around the Site to trigger Detailed Tracking. This is the area inside which
                 the detailed tracking will be activated on the app, and should be big enough to contain
                 the whole site to be salted.

Our current Salting customers would get a weather forecast from the MET Office that they would
use to Generate Salting Jobs on WorkPal. When generating Salting Jobs. You get
presented with a list of pre-configured Areas. Where you can type in the forecast and Colour
Code (Red, Amber or Yellow) for each Area.

Once all the information has been added, WorkPal will loop through all the active Sites on the
system and find those that match the MET Office forecast for each Area. The matching algorithm
works by:

          • Finding all Sites that have a Trigger Temperature on or below the Forecast for each Area
          • Also if MET Office issues the following colour warnings:
                • Red (includes Red, Amber and Yellow Sites)
                • Amber (includes Amber and Yellow Sites)
                • Yellow (Yellow Sites only)

You can then add an Entry Date and a Required Completion Date (RCD) for all the Jobs.
This will then show you the number of matching Sites in each Area and at this point you
can choose to remove some Sites manually if applicable.

WorkPal will then generate all the Jobs that match the criteria and give them all the specified
RCD. These Jobs will also be automatically assigned to the whoever is specified as the Assign To
value on the Site.