
Job Description - Enable or Disable the Job Description on Purchase Orders.

Client Reference - Enable or Disable the Client Reference on Purchase Orders.

Reference Prefix - Set a Prefix for Purchase Orders e.g "PO-"

Allow Signoff/Approval of a Purchase Order via a link in the PO Email - Enabling this allows the Supplier to "Sign-off" or approve Purchase Orders through a link in the PO Email. Approved Purchase Orders will show a "tick" in the "Signed" column on the Purchase Orders list.


Purchase Order Filename

Different labels can be dragged and dropped to build up a Filename for Purchase Orders. This will appear when the Purchase Order is exported as a PDF.


Purchase Order Status

Here you can create different statuses for Purchase Orders. For each Purchase Order, the Status is set/changed manually.


Cost Codes

Cost Codes refer to codes entered into your system to allow the faster entry of data when filling out Purchase Orders. Here you can create Cost Codes for Purchase Orders.


Purchase Order Footer

This space allows you to design a footer which will appear at the bottom of Purchase Orders.