
The Features tab within the Preferences Menu is used to turn specific features within WorkPal on and off. These features include features within Jobs or in other areas on WorkPal.


Click each dropdown to select if you would like turn the feature on or off.


Assets - Assets are used to track equipment available on Site. Assets can be serviced with each visit. Assets exist at a Site, so they can be set to appear on every Job created at that Site on the Assets tab.

Contacts - A list of contact information available to all Users.

Document Library - A collection of Documents that can be viewed by all Users. 

Equipment - This relates to equipment that Users may bring on-site e.g. power tools. Equipment can be checked out by a User so others know that it is currently being used.

Fleet - The Fleet function allows the storing of vehicle details as well as the ability to check out vehicles similarly to Equipment.

Forms - Forms are a quick and easy way for your Users to enter information into the system. A Form can be set to appear before a Job is started, and also one can be set to appear when a Job has been completed. While the Vehicle Check functionality uses our default Vehicle Check form, this operates differently to standard Forms.

Helpers - A Helper is a type of User that has less permissions than a full User. This is usually reserved for Apprentices or those on-site who are not full employees. Helpers Job Times will be included in the Job Time of the User that assigns them.

Invoices - Allows the creation of Invoices from completed Jobs. After a Job has been completed in WorkPal, an Invoice can be created either automatically on Job completion or manually by the Desktop User. WorkPal will then use the information recorded on the Job to build up a total Invoice value.

Job Wizard - Allows Desktop Users to create a new Site with a new Job simultaneously.

Parts - Parts can be stored within the system and added to Jobs. These parts will then appear on the Invoice when the Job is complete.

Purchase Orders - Allows the creation of Purchase Orders by Desktop Users. When this feature is turned on, it adds two sections to your WorkPal system - Purchase Orders and Suppliers. It also adds additional functionality to the Part Codes section (if applicable), where you can specify the costs of a part by supplier.

Quotes - The Quotes section allows you to create an estimate for a particular Job before the work is agreed. Quotes can later be converted to a full Job if agreed upon by the customer.

Reporting - Reports allow the creating of tables or documents which list data. This may be a list of current Jobs, Job Times, Shift Times etc.

Scheduling - Scheduling allows you to View 1 day, or 1 week as a Gantt-chart style calendar view for each User. Click Jobs and edit to move the scheduled dates. You can drag and drop unscheduled jobs from the side panel into free slots in the Schedule, and move scheduled jobs around on the day view.

Tasks - Tasks are used when a Job needs to be broken down into smaller more detailed pieces of information. Tasks can also be useful to keep track of the Job progression because at any point you can view all completed and outstanding Tasks.


Note: When turning on or off these functions, sure to click update in the top right of the screen to save any changes that you have made within the Preferences.