To make changes to your asset preferences, go to the ‘WP’ button on the top right, then select the Preferences page. Select Assets and you will see a list of customisable options.

You can add or remove the following options by using the dropdowns available.

All Assets on New Jobs - Enabling this option will add all Assets that exist at a Site to any Job created at that Site.

Servicing Assets - Enables the functionality of Asset Servicing. Assets can be manually marked as "Serviced" while on a Job, or they can be automatically marked as "Serviced" when its barcode has been scanned.

Batch Servicing Assets - Allows selection of multiple Assets so they can be marked as "Serviced" at one time.

Show Service History - Shows a list of previously completed "Service History" forms while viewing an Asset.

Barcode Scanning - Allows Users to scan barcodes on Assets.

Images on Assets - allows you to add photos to a specific Asset which will be saved to that Asset making it easier for the Users to see existing photos from previous services.

Parts on Assets - if you would like to add Parts to the Asset rather than to the Job so that Users have a history of the Parts used on that specific Asset.

Documents on Assets - Useful for adding certificates or other documents relating to one Asset.

Service History - This will show a list of the services that had been completed on the Asset prior to the current visit.


Barcode Scanning

Barcode scanning is useful for quickly servicing an Asset by assigning a barcode or QR code to it. This can then be scanned in WorkPal and the relevant Asset data will appear for the User. There are a number of actions that WorkPal can take after scanning existing Assets. These are selectable in the ‘Scanning Action’ dropdown. The options are as follows.

  • View Asset Information - This will take the Mobile User to the Asset screen where you can view the Asset information, previous services, etc.
  • Open service form - This will open the default Asset service form to allow the Mobile User to fill in Asset service data.
  • Automatically service asset - This will automatically mark the Asset as serviced.

Additionally, scanning a QR code that has no associated Asset data logged in WorkPal will allow a Mobile User to add an Asset to the Site. This is useful for installation/replacement Jobs.

Note – you will have to provide the barcodes or QR codes yourself. There are a number of websites that offer this service. For more information on how to set up Barcodes for Assets, please see our guide on this topic.


Customisable Asset Fields

Editing ‘Asset Fields Configuration’ allows a Desktop User to add additional fields within an Asset. These fields are fully customisable and can relate to any data that you want to record against a specific Asset.

A few typical examples include: Date of manufacture, Make, Model, Serial Number, etc., but these fields can be configured to your needs. WorkPal can store up to 50 customisable fields against a particular Asset.


Adding an Asset Field

When adding an Asset field you have a list of options.

This field name is what the Asset will be called within WorkPal (e.g. Model, Serial No, Tank Capacity, etc.)

You can decide what type of information is permitted to be stored against that Asset in the ‘type’ box. The options are as follows:

  • Text Field - For holding plain text
  • Date - For holding date data only (e.g. 2021-01-07)
  • Time - For holding time data only (e.g. 15:39)
  • Date & Time - For holding date & time data (e.g. 2021-01-07 15:39)
  • Dropdown List - For creating a fixed set of selectable options
  • Number Only - For holding numeric data only
  • Checkbox - For holding data that can only be true or false (checked or unchecked)

For the option ‘Dropdown list’ you are able to add a list of options on a specific Asset field. Select Dropdown list, then Customise options and input your options in a list. See example below.


The List View refers to how you would like these Assets to be displayed in the Assets section on a Site or JobPrimary asset fields are shown on the top line in white; Secondary asset fields are shown on the bottom line in orange. The asset number is set to Right Align by default. These can be configured to your requirements.


You can choose to show or hide an asset field on the job sheet by selecting Yes or No in the (Job) Sheet option.

You can choose to force an asset field to be required by selecting Yes or No in the Required option.

If the fields you have included are important and you would like to view this information at a glance, you can add these fields to the columns on the Asset list, by selecting Show as Column on the (Assets) List.

You can choose to show or hide an asset field on the mobile device by selecting Yes or No in the Show on Mobile option.