The WorkPal system is split between Mobile Users and the Desktop Users which both have specific permissions for security reasons. Research has also shown that allowing Mobile Users to create their own Clients and Sites often results in duplicates which negatively affect the integrity of data. It is due to these reasons, Clients and Sites cannot be created by Mobile Users. These must be created by a Desktop User on your WorkPal system.

If you are creating a Job or Quote for a Client or Site that has not yet been created on your system, we recommend this workflow:


  • Contact a WorkPal Desktop User and ask them to create a new Client GroupClient and Site named; "New Clients", "New Client" and "New Client" respectively:


  • Create the Job/Quote on Mobile and assign it to this Client GroupClient and Site. For Quotes, enter the Clients details into the Notes of the Quote:


  • For Jobs, you must first create the Job on Mobile, then visit the Job page via your Jobs List. On the Job page, scroll down to add a new Note to the Notes section:


  • Tap "Add" and enter the Clients details:


  • Periodically, a Desktop User will need to process these. By entering the Jobs or Quotes section of WorkPal on Desktop, they can view these Jobs/Quotes by changing the filters to new "New Client":


  • For each Job/Quote listed under this Client Group/Client/Site, the Desktop User should create the a new Client account using the Note listed on it:

Note on Quote


Note on Job


  • If processing a Quote, when the Client account has been created, the Desktop User can open the Quote and select "Duplicate Quote" to create a copy of the Quote:

  • This copy can then be assigned to the new Client account on the system. The original Quote should then be deleted.


  • If processing a Job, when the Client account has been created, the Desktop User can open the Job and select "Edit Job" to change the Client the Job is assigned to:

  • Once the Job has been assigned to the correct Client account, the Note can be safely deleted.